How to get the most out of ted talks on youtube
Discover tips to maximize learning from TED Talks on YouTube with playlists, subtitles, and note-taking. Enhance your skills one talk at a time!
6 min read
29 Jan, 2025
Discover tips to maximize learning from TED Talks on YouTube with playlists, subtitles, and note-taking. Enhance your skills one talk at a time!
6 min read
29 Jan, 2025
Nowadays, many people invest a lot of money to attend webinar sessions or events featuring experts from various fields.Like TED talks, there are several other educational online resources to help you learn and upskill
On the other hand, educational TED Talks on YouTube are free and an excellent resource for lifelong learning. They cover a wide range of topics from industry experts in technology, science, personal development, and social issues.
Educational TED Talks bring together thought leaders, innovators, entrepreneurs, and experts from a variety of disciplines and hence it is easy to obtain the most credible information. However, the challenge is in retaining and applying knowledge from video content. In this blog, we will go over the entire process, from selecting the right YouTube video to ways to implement what you have learnt to maximize the benefits, insights and inspiration from watching educational TED Talks on YouTube.
Steps to get the most out of Educational TED Talks
There are thousands of educational TED Talks available on the internet. You must choose the right one to avoid being distracted by the numerous other options available. So, before you watch, check out the TED playlists, which are divided into categories such as leadership, creativity and science. Choose a video that is relevant to you and your goals. For example, if you want to improve your public speaking skills, choose the appropriate category. Rather than watching videos that are irrelevant to your interests, you can go through each curated playlist title to find the right one.
Educational TED Talks are a treasure trove for eager learners however, the true benefits rely on taking notes. Taking notes of YouTube videos can drastically improve your learning experience. Watching a video for 15 to 18 minutes and then leaving it is equivalent to buying a book and never opening it.
Taking notes from YouTube videos allows you to capture key insights from the video. This also allows you to better focus on the concepts in the video and thus makes you less prone to distraction. Taking notes from YouTube helps you to sum up all of the information in the video on a single page.
Pro tip: To summarise and convert youtube to notes, use tools such as Video to Wisdom. This platform allows you to quickly access detailed information from YouTube and summarise it into notes. It is highly beneficial for everyone and can simplify the note-taking process from YouTube videos.
After watching a video, it is critical to determine how to practically apply the information presented in the video to one's personal and professional life in order to succeed. The true value lies in implementation.
Turn your insights into actionable steps to achieve success but before that, you might want to consider Simon Sinek's leadership advice about asking yourself 'why?'. It will reiterate your fundamental belief to implement the goal you want to achieve, more easily. In Educational TED talks, speakers usually include a compelling 'why' that acts as a driving force in their careers which pushes their pedal towards innovation in technology, development in tackling social issues, or pursuance of personal growth. This leads the viewers to rethink their whys.
After watching an Educational TED Talk, it is important to take notes from YouTube to maximise its benefits, however, other approaches can also be effective if it is properly implemented. Engage in a group conversation with your friends or colleagues, or post about it on social media, as your insights into this topic. This can provide diverse perspectives on the topic from many people and create a community for shared learning. This approach can improve your learning experience and promote collective growth. This type of collaborative learning boosts retention, networking, drive, and accountability.
Revisiting the notes you took from YouTube is essential to improving your understanding and recalling the concepts easily. It encourages you to implement plans and tactics that align with your goals and ideas more effectively over time. Here is what you can do to ensure that you are making the most of the Educational TED talks videos you are watching:
1. Set aside time to revisit the concept on a weekly or monthly basis to ensure that you are sticking with it. This type of self-reflection can strengthen one's mental capacity to store ideas and habits.
2. Use tools/techniques like flowcharts, mind maps, and infographics to visually record the key points. Place it somewhere with high probable visibility on your laptop or phone and go through it several times. These YouTube notes can help you to stay focused on your long-term goals.
3. Ask a friend or loved one to join you on this journey. Both of you grow together and can encourage each other during difficult and trying times.
Educational TED talks aren't just videos. They provide a wealth of knowledge that improves your decision-making abilities and can change your perspective on life. There are numerous videos available on YouTube by several individuals, but TED Talks provide you access to people who have achieved remarkable success in their field and you can learn and implement from their knowledge without making the errors they made. This platform gained credibility while also serving as a benchmark for effective communication and idea sharing. Start exploring TED talks today and let them assist you on your journey of learning and growth.
Yes, tools like Video to Wisdom can help you convert long videos into detailed notes. It can organise information and present it in easily consumable formats. It makes it easier to gather insights and apply them in practice.
Yes, you can take notes while watching a TED talk on YouTube. However, using tools such as note-taking apps or browser extensions that allow you to pause, highlight, and take notes on key points as you go can help you take notes more efficiently and capture the most valuable information.
Say goodbye to mindless scrolling and hello to meaningful growth.
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